


Objectives of this app

  1. To serve as a Companion to Custom Cabinet Estimator.
  2. To serve as a Single Source of TRUTH. A place for everything and everything in its place, so everyone knows what everyone else knows.
  3. To serve as a Second Brain. The human mind is an amazing thing, but we simply cannot remember everything we want to remember, so we store things to reference when needed, and this is the place to STORE those things.
  4. To Empower us to Get Things Done.

The goal of this app is that everyone knows the right next thing to do and is empowered to do it -without overly explicit directions or overly detailed rules.

“The more details you have the easier it will be to pinpoint what went wrong. Or replicate what went right.” -Bobbo Buckley

“This app is all about who does what by when and step-by-step instructions on how to do all those whats.” -Bobbo Buckley

Possible Future Features:

Added in This and Previous Versions